End-of-Life Policy




Robustel products will go through a defined product life cycle and eventually reach their end of life (EOL or End-of-Life) and a Robustel product/service may enter the End-of-Life process for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

- Availability of newer, more technologically advanced products

- Market demand

- Material availability

- Design Optimization


Robustel also recognizes that End-of-Life (EOL) milestones often prompt companies to review the impact to the Robustel products, services, or subscriptions in their networks. With that in mind, we have set out below Robustel's End of Life milestones to help manage EOL transitions and to explain the role that Robustel can play in helping to migrate to alternative Robustel platforms and technology.




Any Robustel product EOL will be communicated to channel partners via email six months1 before its End-of-Sale date, or posted on the Robustel website2. EOL products are removed from the pricebook and Datasheets and are no longer available for purchase after the End-of-Sale date.

End-of-Life Effective Date: The date on which Robustel announces to the public the End-of-Sale and End-of-Services dates, and End-of-Software Support Date for a Robustel product/service.

End-of-Sale Date: The last date to order and ship the product/service through Robustel Channel Partners (typically six months after the End-of-Life Effective date).

End-of-Services Date: The last date for software support. Software updates will only be made for critical security patches for 24 months after the End-of-Sales Date. After this period, software updates will be suspended. 

End-of-Software Support Date: The last date for software support. Software updates will only be made for critical security patches for 24 months after the End-of-Sales Date. After this period, software updates will be suspended. 

1 Except for uncontrollable factors

2 Only when the entire product series is EOL will it be released to the website

3 Please refer to: https://www.robustel.com/rma/


End-of-Life Product List


Please contact us for recommendations on alternative solutions.

Product EOL Effective End of Sale End of Services End of Software Support
Replacement Product
R3000 LG 2025.01.10 2026.01.10 2028.01.10 2028.01.10 R1520LG/LG5100
R3010 2024.12.23 2025.06.23 2027.06.23 2027.06.23 -
R1511P Devkit 2024.11.05 2025.05.05 2026.05.05 2026.05.05 R1511P
R2000 Dual 2023.09.04 2024.03.04 2026.03.04 2026.03.04 -
MEG5000 2022.07.25 2022.09.30 2024.09.30 2024.09.30 EG5100/EG5120
R2000 2022.07.08 2023.04.08 2025.04.08 2025.04.08 R2010
R2000 Ent 2022.07.08 2023.04.08 2025.04.08 2025.04.08 -
R2000 Lite 2022.07.08 2022.09.30 2023.09.30 2023.09.30 R2010
M1000 USB 2020.09.28 2021.03.28 2023.03.28 2023.03.28 M1000 MP/M1200